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cara membuat game ular

Cara Membuat Game Ular Dengan Notepad
Hay sahabat blogger pada posting kali ini saya akan berbagi sedikit informasi tengang membuat suatu pemogran dengan notepad,yang pastinya ngak kalah kerenya dengan pemograman yang membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama .ya langsung saja kita masukin dalam posting kali ini.
Simak baik baik ya sahabat blogger

Kali ini saya akan memberi tahu cara untuk membuat  game ular dengan notepad/batch file.

1. buka notepad

2. masukan code 

@echo off
if "%~1" == "startGame" goto :game
if "%~1" == "startController" goto :controller

:: setup some global variables used by both the game and the controller

setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
if defined temp (set "tempFileBase=%temp%\") else if defined tmp set "tempFileBase=%tmp%\"
set "tempFileBase=%tempFileBase%Snake%time::=_%"
set "keyFile=%tempFileBase%_key.txt"
set "cmdFile=%tempFileBase%_cmd.txt"
set "gameLock=%tempFileBase%_gameLock.txt"
set "gameLog=%tempFileBase%_gameLog.txt"
set "signal=%tempFileBase%_signal.txt"
set "saveLoc=%userprofile%\Snake"
set "userPref=%saveLoc%\SnakeUserPref.txt"
set "hiFile=%saveLoc%\Snake!growth!Hi"
set "keyStream=9"
set "cmdStream=8"
set "lockStream=7"

:: Lock this game session and launch.
:: Loop back and try a new session if failure.
:: Cleanup and exit when finished

call :launch %lockStream%>"%gameLock%" || goto :getSession
del "%tempFileBase%*"
exit /b

:launch the game and the controller

call :fixLogs
copy nul "%keyFile%" >nul
copy nul "%cmdFile%" >nul
start "" /b cmd /c ^""%~f0" startController %keyStream%^>^>"%keyFile%" %cmdStream%^<"%cmdFile%" 2^>nul ^>nul^"
cmd /c ^""%~f0" startGame %keyStream%^<"%keyFile%" %cmdStream%^>^>"%cmdFile%" ^<nul^"

:: Upon exit, wait for the controller to close before returning

2>nul (>>"%keyFile%" call )||goto :close
if not exist "%~dp0CursorPos.exe" (
  echo Game play can be improved by installing
  echo Aacini's CursorPos.exe, available at
  echo %cmdcmdline%|find /i "%~f0">nul&&pause
exit /b 0

title %~nx0

:: Playfield size
:: max playing field: (width-2)*(height-2) <= 1365

set "width=40"   max=99
set "height=25"  max=99

:: resize the console window

set /a cols=width+1, lines=height+10, area=(width-2)*(height-2)
if %area% gtr 1365 (
  echo ERROR: Playfield area too large
  %sendCmd% quit
if %lines% lss 14 set lines=14
if %cols% lss 46 set cols=46
mode con: cols=%cols% lines=%lines%

:: define variables

set "configOptions=diffCode difficulty growth moveKeys up down left right"
set "configOptionCnt=9"

set "moveKeys=4"

set "up=W"
set "down=S"
set "left=A"
set "right=D"
set "pause=P"

set "space= "
set "bound=#"
set "food=+"
set "head=@"
set "body=O"
set "death=X"

set "growth=1"

if exist "%userPref%" for /f "usebackq delims=" %%V in ("%userPref%") do set "%%V"

set "spinner1=-"
set "spinner2=\"
set "spinner3=|"
set "spinner4=/"
set "spinner= spinner1 spinner2 spinner3 spinner4 "

set "delay1=20"
set "delay2=15"
set "delay3=10"
set "delay4=7"
set "delay5=5"
set "delay6=3"

set "desc1=Sluggard"
set "desc2=Crawl"
set "desc3=Slow"
set "desc4=Normal"
set "desc5=Fast"
set "desc6=Insane"

set "spinnerDelay=3"

set /a "width-=1, height-=1"

:: define LF as a Line Feed (newline) character
set ^"LF=^

^" Above empty line is required - do not remove

:: define CR as a Carriage Return character
for /f %%A in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%A"

:: define BS as a BackSpace character
for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H&for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "BS=%%A"

set "upper=A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z"
set "invalid=*~="

:: define macros

if exist "%~dp0CursorPos.exe" (
  set "cls=CursorPos 0 0"
  set "ClearLine=echo(                                   &CursorPos 0 -1"
  set "ClearPrev=CursorPos 0 -0&echo(                                   "
) else (
  set "cls=cls"
  set "ClearLine="
  set "ClearPrev="

:: define a newline with line continuation
set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"

:: setErr
:::  Sets the ERRORLEVEL to 1
set "setErr=(call)"

:: clrErr
:::  Sets the ERRORLEVEL to 0
set "clrErr=(call )"

:: sendCmd  command
:::  sends a command to the controller
set "sendCmd=>&%cmdStream% echo"

:: getKey  [ValidKey]  [ValidKey...]
::: Check for keypress from the controller. Only accept a ValidKey.
::: Token delimiters and poison characters must be quoted.
::: Accept any key if no ValidKey specified.
::: Return result in Key variable. Key is undefined if no valid keypress.
set getKey=%\n%
for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (%\n%
  set key=%\n%
  set inKey=%\n%
  set keyTest=%\n%
  ^<^&%keyStream% set /p "inKey="%\n%
  if defined inKey (%\n%
    set inKey=!inKey:~0,-1!%\n%
    for %%C in (!args!) do set /a keyTest=1^&if /i !inKey! equ %%~C set key=!inKey!%\n%
  if not defined keyTest set key=!inKey!%\n%
) else set args=

:: draw
:::  draws the board
set draw=%\n%
set screen=%\n%
for /l %%Y in (0,1,%height%) do set screen=!screen!!line%%Y!!LF!%\n%
set screen=!screen!Speed = !Difficulty! !replay!!LF!Growth Rate = !growth!   HighScore = !hi!!LF!Score = !score!   Time = !m!:!s!%\n%
if defined replay if not defined replayFinished (%\n%
  set screen=!screen!!LF!!LF!Press a key to abort the replay%\n%

:: test  X  Y  ValueListVar
:::  tests if value at coordinates X,Y is within contents of ValueListVar
set test=%\n%
for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("!args!") do (%\n%
  for %%A in ("!line%%2:~%%1,1!") do if "!%%3:%%~A=!" neq "!%%3!" %clrErr% else %setErr%%\n%
)) else set args=

:: plot  X  Y  ValueVar
:::  places contents of ValueVar at coordinates X,Y
set plot=%\n%
for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("!args!") do (%\n%
  set "part2=!line%%2:~%%1!"%\n%
  set "line%%2=!line%%2:~0,%%1!!%%3!!part2:~1!"%\n%
)) else set args=

:: start the game
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if not exist "%saveLoc%\" md "%saveLoc%"
set "replay= Aborting... "
set "replayAvailable="
call :loadHighScores
call :mainMenu

:: main loop (infinite loop)
for /l %%. in () do (

  %=== check for and process abort signal if in replay mode ===%
  if defined replay if exist "%signal%" (
    del "%signal%"
    set "replayFinished=1"
    <nul set /p "=Aborting... "
    findstr "^" >nul <&%keyStream%
    for %%A in (!configOptions!) do set "%%A=!%%ASave!"
    call :mainMenu

  %=== compute time since last move ===%
  for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "t2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, tDiff=t2-t1"
  if !tDiff! lss 0 set /a tDiff+=24*60*60*100

  if !tDiff! geq !delay! (
    %=== delay has expired, so time for movement ===%
    set /a t1=t2

    %=== compute game time ===%
    if not defined gameStart set "gameStart=!t2!"
    set /a "gameTime=(t2-gameStart)"
    if !gameTime! lss 0 set /a "gameTime+=24*60*60*100"
    set /a "gameTime=(gameTime-pauseTime)/100, m=gameTime/60, s=gameTime%%60"
    if !m! lss 10 set "m=0!m!"
    if !s! lss 10 set "s=0!s!"

    %=== get keypress ===%
    %getKey% !keys!
    if /i !key! equ !pause! (

      %=== pause game ===%
      call :ask "PAUSED - Press a key to continue..."
      %sendCmd% go
      for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "t2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, tDiff=t2-t1"
      if !tDiff! lss 0 set /a tDiff+=24*60*60*100
      set /a pauseTime+=tDiff

    ) else (

      %=== establish direction ===%
      if not defined replay (echo(!key!.) >>"!gameLog!"
      for %%K in (!key!) do if !moveKeys! equ 2 (
        set /a "xDiff=xTurn%%K*!yDiff!, yDiff=yTurn%%K*!xDiff!"
      ) else if "!%%KAxis!" neq "!axis!" (
        set /a "xDiff=xDiff%%K, yDiff=yDiff%%K"
        set "axis=!%%KAxis!"

      %=== erase the tail ===%
      set "TX=!snakeX:~-2!"
      set "TY=!snakeY:~-2!"
      set "snakeX=!snakeX:~0,-2!"
      set "snakeY=!snakeY:~0,-2!"
      %plot% !TX! !TY! space

      %=== compute new head location and attempt to move ===%
      set /a "X=PX+xDiff, Y=PY+yDiff"
      set "X= !X!"
      set "Y= !Y!"
      set "X=!X:~-2!"
      set "Y=!Y:~-2!"
      (%test% !X! !Y! playerSpace) && (

        %=== move successful ===%

        %=== remove the new head location from the empty list ===%
        for %%X in ("!X!") do for %%Y in ("!Y!") do set "empty=!empty:#%%~X %%~Y=!"

        %=== eat any food that may be present ===%
        (%test% !X! !Y! food) && (
          %=== initiate growth ===%
          set /a grow+=growth

          %=== locate and draw new food ===%
          if defined replay (
            <&%keyStream% set /p "F="
          ) else (
            set /a "F=(!random!%%(emptyCnt-1))*6+1"
            (echo !F!) >>"!gameLog!"
          for %%F in (!F!) do (%plot% !empty:~%%F,5! food)

        if !grow! gtr 0 (
          %=== restore the tail ===%
          %plot% !TX! !TY! body
          set "snakeX=!snakeX!!TX!"
          set "snakeY=!snakeY!!TY!"
          set /a emptyCnt-=1

          %=== manage score ===%
          set /a "score+=1, grow-=1"
          if not defined replay if !score! gtr !hi! set /a "hi+=1, newHi=1"

        ) else (
          %=== add the former tail position to the empty list ===%
          set "empty=!empty!#!TX! !TY!"

        %=== draw the new head ===%
        if defined snakeX (%plot% !PX! !PY! body)
        %plot% !X! !Y! head

        %=== Add the new head position to the snake strings ===%
        set "snakeX=!X!!snakeX!"
        set "snakeY=!Y!!snakeY!"
        set "PX=!X!"
        set "PY=!Y!"


      ) || (

        %=== failed move - game over ===%
        set "replayFinished=1"
        %plot% !TX! !TY! body
        call :spinner !PX! !PY! death
        if defined newHi (
          echo New High Score - Congratulations^^!
          set "hi!diffCode!=!score!"
          copy "!gameLog!" "%hiFile%!diffCode!.txt" >nul
          >>"%hiFile%!diffCode!.txt" echo ::!score!
        call :ask "Press a key to continue..."
        for %%A in (!configOptions!) do set "%%A=!%%ASave!"
        call :mainMenu

:getString  Prompt  Var  MaxLen
:: Prompt for a string with max lengh of MaxLen.
:: Valid keys are alpha-numeric, space, underscore, and dash
:: String is terminated by Enter
:: Backspace works to delete previous character
:: Result is returned in Var
set /a "maxLen=%3"
set "%2="
%sendCmd% prompt
<nul set /p "=%~1 "
call :purge
(%getKey% !upper! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " " _ - {Enter} !BS!)
if defined key (
  if !key! equ {Enter} (
    exit /b
  if !key! neq !BS! if !maxLen! gtr 0 (
    set /a maxLen-=1
    <nul set /p "=.!BS!!key!"
    set "%2=!%2!!key!
  if !key! equ !BS! if defined %2 (
    set /a maxLen+=1
    <nul set /p "=!BS! !BS!"
    set "%2=!%2:~0,-1!"
if defined inKey %sendCmd% one
goto :getStringLoop

:ask  Prompt  ValidKey [Validkey]...
:: Prompt for a keypress.
:: Wait until a ValidKey is pressed and return result in Key variable.
:: Token delimiters, ), and poison characters must be quoted.
%sendCmd% prompt
<nul set /p "=%~1 "
(set validKeys=%*)
(set validKeys=!validKeys:%1=!)
call :purge
(%getKey% !validKeys!)
if not defined key (
  if defined inKey %sendCmd% one
  goto :getResponse
exit /b

set "inKey="
for /l %%N in (1 1 1000) do (
  set /p "inKey="
  if "!inKey!" equ "{purged}." exit /b
goto :purge

:spinner  X  Y  ValueVar
set /a d1=-1000000
for /l %%N in (1 1 5) do for %%C in (%spinner%) do (
  call :spinnerDelay
  %plot% %1 %2 %%C
call :spinnerDelay
(%plot% %1 %2 %3)
exit /b

:delay  centiSeconds
for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "spinnerDelay=%1, d1=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100"
:: fall through to :spinnerDelay

for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "d2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, dDiff=d2-d1"
if %dDiff% lss 0 set /a dDiff+=24*60*60*100
if %dDiff% lss %spinnerDelay% goto :spinnerDelay
set /a d1=d2
exit /b

set "loadAvailable="
echo Growth rate = !growth!
echo Main Menu:
echo   N - New game
if defined replayAvailable echo   R - Replay previous game
if defined saveAvailable   echo   S - Save a game
if exist *.snake.txt       echo   L - Load and watch a saved game&set "loadAvailable=L"

echo   C - Control options
echo   G - Graphic options
echo   Q - Quit
set "hiAvailable="
for /l %%N in (1 1 6) do if defined hi%%N (
  if not defined hiAvailable (
    echo Replay High Score:
  set "desc=!desc%%N!........"
  set "hiAvailable=!hiAvailable! %%N"
  echo   %%N - !desc:~0,8! !hi%%N!
if defined hiAvailable echo(
set "keys=N C G Q !hiAvailable! !replayAvailable! !saveAvailable! !loadAvailable!"
call :ask ">" !keys!
if /i !key! equ Q (
  %sendCmd% quit
if /i !key! equ N (
  set "replay="
  set "replayAvailable=R"
  set "saveAvailable=S"
  goto :initialize
if /i !key! equ S (
  if defined replayAvailable (
    call :ask "HighScore # or P for Previous:" !hiAvailable! P
  ) else (
    call :ask "HighScore #:" !hiAvailable!
  echo !key!
  if /i !key! equ P (set "src=!gameLog!") else set "src=%hiFile%!key!.txt"
  call :getString "Save file name:" file 20
  copy "!src!" "!file!.snake.txt"
  call :ask "Press a key to continue..."
if /i !key! equ L (
  call :getString "Load file name:" file 20
  if exist "!file!.snake.txt" (
    set "replay=!file!.snake.txt"
    goto :initialize
  echo Error: File "!file!.snake.txt" not found
  call :ask "Press a key to continue..."
if /i !key! equ R (
  set "replay=!gameLog!"
  goto :initialize
if !key! geq 1 if !key! leq 6 (
  set "replay=%hiFile%!key!.txt"
  goto :initialize
if /i !key! equ C call :controlOptions
if /i !key! equ G call :graphicOptions
goto :mainMenu

set "keys={Enter} T L R P"
if !moveKeys! equ 4 set "keys=!keys! U D"
                    echo Control Options:
                    echo   T - Type... = !moveKeys! keys
                    echo   L - Left... = !left!
                    echo   R - Right.. = !right!
if !moveKeys! equ 4 echo   U - Up..... = !up!
if !moveKeys! equ 4 echo   D - Down... = !down!
                    echo   P - Pause.. = !pause!
                    echo   {Enter} - Return to Main Menu
call :ask ">" !keys!
if !key! equ {Enter} goto :saveUserPrefs
if /i !key! equ T (
  if !moveKeys! equ 2 (set "moveKeys=4") else set "moveKeys=2"
  goto :controlOptions
set "option= LLeft RRight UUp DDown PPause"
for /f %%O in ("!option:* %key%=!") do (
  call :ask "Press a key for %%O:"
  for %%K in (0 1 2) do if "!key!" equ "!invalid:~%%K,1!" goto :controlOptions
  for %%C in (!upper!) do set "key=!key:%%C=%%C!"
  set "%%O=!key!"
goto :controlOptions

echo Graphic Options:
echo   B - Border...... = !bound!
echo   E - Empty space. = !space!
echo   H - snake Head.. = !head!
echo   S - Snake body.. = !body!
echo   F - Food........ = !food!
echo   D - Death....... = !death!
echo   G - Growth rate. = !growth!
echo   {Enter} - Rturn to Main Menu
call :ask ">" B E H S F D G {Enter}
if !key! equ {Enter} goto :saveUserPrefs
if /i !key! equ G (
  call :ask "Press a digit for growth rate (0 = 10)" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  if !key! equ 0 set "key=10"
  set "growth=!key!"
  call :loadHighScores
) else (
  set "option=-BBorder:bound:-EEmpty Space:space:-HSnake Head:head:-SSnake Body:body:-FFood:food:-DDeath:death:"
  for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%A in ("!option:*-%key%=!") do (
    call :ask "Press a key for %%A"
    for %%K in (0 1 2) do if "!key!" equ "!invalid:~%%K,1!" goto :graphicOptions
    set "%%B=!key!"
goto :graphicOptions

(for %%V in (moveKeys up down left right space bound food head body death pause growth) do echo %%V=!%%V!) >"%userPref%"
exit /b

if defined replay (
  echo Replay Speed Options:
) else (
  echo Speed Options:
echo                       delay
echo    #   Description  (seconds)
echo   ---  -----------  ---------
for /l %%N in (1 1 6) do (
  set "delay=0!delay%%N!"
  set "desc=!desc%%N!           "
  echo    %%N   !desc:~0,11!    0.!delay:~-2!
call :ask "Pick a speed (1-6):" 1 2 3 4 5 6
set "difficulty=!desc%key%!"
set "delay=!delay%key%!"
set "diffCode=%key%"
echo %key% - %difficulty%
<nul set /p "=Initializing."
set "axis=X"
set "xDiff=+1"
set "yDiff=+0"
set "empty="
set /a "PX=1, PY=height/2, FX=width/2+1, FY=PY, score=0, emptyCnt=0, t1=-1000000"
set "gameStart="
set "m=00"
set "s=00"
set "snakeX= %PX%"
set "snakeY= %PY%"
set "snakeX=%snakeX:~-2%"
set "snakeY=%snakeY:~-2%"
for /l %%Y in (0 1 %height%) do (
  <nul set /p "=."
  set "line%%Y="
  for /l %%X in (0,1,%width%) do (
    set "cell="
    if %%Y equ 0        set "cell=%bound%"
    if %%Y equ %height% set "cell=%bound%"
    if %%X equ 0        set "cell=%bound%"
    if %%X equ %width%  set "cell=%bound%"
    if %%X equ %PX% if %%Y equ %PY% set "cell=%head%"
    if not defined cell (
      set "cell=%space%"
      set "eX= %%X"
      set "eY= %%Y"
      set "empty=!empty!#!eX:~-2! !eY:~-2!"
      set /a emptyCnt+=1
    if %%X equ %FX% if %%Y equ %FY% set "cell=%food%"
    set "line%%Y=!line%%Y!!cell!"
for %%A in (!configOptions!) do set "%%ASave=!%%A!"
set "replayFinished="
if defined replay (
  %sendCmd% replay
  %sendCmd% !replay!
  call :waitForSignal
  set "replay=(REPLAY at !difficulty!)"
  set "read=1"
  <&%keyStream% (
    for /l %%N in (1 1 !configOptionCnt!) do if defined read (
      set /p "ln="
      if "!ln!" equ "END" (set read=) else set "!ln!"
  set "keys="
  set "hi=0"
  for /f "delims=:" %%A in ('findstr "^::" "%hiFile%!diffCode!.txt" 2^>nul') do set "hi=%%A"
  call :delay 100
) else (
  if defined hi%diffCode% (set "hi=!hi%diffCode%!") else set "hi=0"
  >"!gameLog!" (
    for %%A in (!configOptions!) do (echo %%A=!%%A!)
    (echo END)
  if !moveKeys! equ 4 (
    echo Controls: !up!=up !down!=down !left!=left !right!=right !pause!=pause
  ) else (
    echo Controls: !left!=left !right!=right !pause!=pause
  echo Avoid running into yourself (!body!!body!!head!^) or wall (!bound!^)
  echo Eat food (!food!^) to grow.
  call :ask "Press a key to start..."
  %sendCmd% go
set "pauseTime=0"
set "xDiff!up!=+0"
set "xDiff!down!=+0"
set "xDiff!left!=-1"
set "xDiff!right!=+1"
set "yDiff!up!=-1"
set "yDiff!down!=+1"
set "yDiff!left!=+0"
set "yDiff!right!=+0"
set "!up!Axis=Y"
set "!down!Axis=Y"
set "!left!Axis=X"
set "!right!Axis=X"
set "xTurn!left!=1"
set "xTurn!right!=-1"
set "yTurn!left!=-1"
set "yTurn!right!=1"
set "playerSpace=!space!!food!"
set ^"keys="!left!" "!right!" "!pause!"^"
set "newHi="
set "grow=0"
if !moveKeys! equ 4 set ^"keys=!keys! "!up!" "!down!"^"
if exist "%~dp0CursorPos.exe" if not defined replay (
  cursorpos 0 -4
  for /l %%N in (1 1 5) do (echo(                                             )
exit /b

if not exist "%signal%" goto :waitForSignal
del "%signal%"
exit /b

set "saveAvailable="
for /l %%N in (1 1 6) do (
  set "hi%%N="
  for /f "delims=:" %%A in ('findstr "^::" "%hiFile%%%N.txt" 2^>nul') do (
    set "hi%%N=%%A"
    set "saveAvailable=S"
exit /b

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%F in (*.snake) do (
  ren "%%F" "%%F.txt"
  call :fixLog "%%F.txt"
pushd "%SaveLoc%"
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b SnakeHi*.txt 2^>nul') do (
  set "file=%%~nF"
  set "file=Snake1Hi!file:~-1!.txt"
  ren "%%F" "!file!"
  call :fixLog "!file!"
exit /b

:fixLog  filePath
>"" (
  <"%~1" (
    for %%A in (diffCode difficulty moveKeys up down left right) do (
      set /p "val="
      (echo %%A=!val!)
  (echo growth=1)
  (echo END)
  more +7 "%~1"
move /y "" "%~1" >nul
exit /b

:: Detects keypresses and sends the information to the game via a key file.
:: The controller has various modes of input that are activated by commands sent
:: from the game via a cmd file.
:: Modes:
::   hold   - No input, wait for command
::   go     - Continuously get/send key presses
::   prompt - Send {purged} marker to allow game to purge input buffer, then
::            get/send a single key press and hold
::   one    - Get/send a single key press and hold
::   replay - Copy a game log to the key file. The next line in cmd file
::            specifies name of log file to copy. During replay, the controller
::            will send an abort signal to the game if a key is pressed.
::   quit   - Immediately exit the controller process
:: As written, this routine incorrectly reports ! as ), but that doesn't matter
:: since we don't need that key. Both <CR> and Enter key are reported as {Enter}.
:: An extra character is appended to the output to preserve any control chars
:: when read by SET /P.

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
set "cmd=hold"
set "inCmd="
set "key="
for /l %%. in () do (
  if "!cmd!" neq "hold" (
    for /f "delims=" %%A in ('xcopy /w "%~f0" "%~f0" 2^>nul') do (
      if not defined key set "key=%%A"
    set "key=!key:~-1!"
    if !key! equ !CR! set "key={Enter}"
  <&%cmdStream% set /p "inCmd="
  if defined inCmd (
    if !inCmd! equ quit exit
    set "cmd=!inCmd!"
    if !inCmd! equ replay (
      <&%cmdStream% set /p "file="
      type "!file!" >&%keyStream%
      copy nul "%signal%"
    set "inCmd="
  if defined key (
    if "!cmd!" equ "prompt" (echo {purged}.)
    if "!cmd!" equ "replay" (
      copy nul "%signal%" >nul
      set "cmd=go"
    ) else (echo(!key!.)
    if "!cmd!" neq "go" set "cmd=hold"
    set "key="

3. save as
4. tulis contoh: ular.bat (harus ada .bat)
5. play dah tuh

Terima kasih telah membaca :D

Tolong di share ya

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